Monday 1 December 2008

Nanny society...but it's for your own good....?

This is my first post so lets not mess around. My intentions are clear, I love a good debate and I have strong opinions but I will always try to be open minded.

I wanted to start a blog to get rid of some of my life baggage, well that's true but it's a little more than that. As I started writing it became clear that it could be so much more cathartic than that. A lot of these subjects have been knocking around my cranium for a long time, so lets get started.....

Was George Orwell right...

'Big Brother is watching you ?'

...and are his intentions honourable ?

We live in a CCTV, monitor your mobile phone, collect your data world and it just keeps getting worse, or is it purely for our own good ?

Where will it all lead ? I think it's gone too far and I'm sick of being told what to do and how to do it, or am I wrong ?

What do you think, can you offer some words of comfort or are you as concerned as I am ?

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